Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

Why Boddies Matter by Judith Butler

None of us would change, none of us would have the change to regard the world we are living to another land. We should try to make room for the complexity of what we are. Life is more liveable when we are not convince to categorize that do not work for us or categorize that are impose on us and take away our freedom. The task of feminism, the task of queer theory. To find a liveable life and a life we can firm with pleasure and joy, we are sense a liveable future is stronger than our experience of suffering. When many people worry that gender trouble establish sex as culturally constructed and so refuse the materiality of the body. It is necessary to consider that body is constructed, but it is not fully constructed or that it is nothing but a construction. Then, when a person seeks to understand the materiality of sex, some people refer simply to prod whether call primary sexual characteristics. However, others claim that sext characterizes both anatomical parts and something more elusive. In addition, others said that sex is a complex composites of chromosome and hormone. Also, sex scientifically defined by the different reproductive organ.
There are two major challenges to this way of thinking that assume that the materiality of sex is linked to reprodutive function. First, not all sexs body are repruductive organ, not all people are not yet of an age when reproduction is possible, some people are passed the age when reproduction is possible, some people were never capable of reproduction, and others never want to reproduce and had a life without reproducing. After all, sexual reproduction is only one way of organizing and understanding the sexuality of the body. If reproduction become the ony frame work within which we think the sex’s body and its materiality defining all  possibility of sex body and sexual life with have no relationship to reproduction. Then, if enlarge the paradigm of sexuality within which we think the sex body, “Which organs are no sex?”
Procarious position: they are asking for the food they need, the shelter they require, the ongoing employment that would make their lives liveable, the culture, social, and political recogintion that would allowed them to participate in a common political world.
            The body as individual matter, and that individual body is significantly shaped by norm of what the body is and how it out to be conceptualize. The idea of individual body.

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